Monday, August 27, 2007

A dream..
Some says it just dream..
Some says it’s a dream life..
Some says it’s a nightmare..
We call it just a dream of dreaming dreams..

A great passion
An unknown situation..
An ultimate desire..
The blanks will be there..
To be filled..
With prediction and comparison..
The smooth great cruising life..
Abandoned with messy scattered tentative..
A business with money..
A deed without fee..
Paying the revenge of black dirty heart..
Rebelliously roar..

Not to forget..
The tranquility of atmosphere..
The suitable matches..
The happiness shared together..
An eternity relationship..
The windy air..
The white sand beaches..
Crystal clear water..
The smiles and grins..
That we create to others..
That brings the joy and satisfaction..
Of living a life..

So, live your life to the fullest..
As there’s so much things to be done..
Yet to be thought..
Fill the blanks of our life..
The choice is all ours..

p/s: just a be shared as insiration ..created early in the morning..a monday morning..start build our own smile everyone..taddaaaa...!!!


Noushy Syah said...
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Noushy Syah said...

LIfe is all about own choice...either to be happy or sad,it's all in the mind,happy thought would brings happiness as it came from within...

...make dreams come true..

how? Work for it....

13may said...

hidup ni umpama roda...
lama lama botak...

hahha hahha hahha