Monday, May 29, 2006

like usuall..
feels like dying..feels like nothing...feels like empty..
when there's work to do..i'll feel tired..
when there's nothing to do..i feel bored..
when there's nothing to say..feels like nothing..
when there's exam..feels like hating..
why? why and the simple question is alwayz "why"....

today,,as usuall..
ilke mandi sungai..
so i went there..usual place ulu yam..
then get bored again..
why is that so?
asking that agai i became so bored..
i'm tired of feeling this boring bored..
and again as usual..i mengeluh..

feels bad,
**pawana malam**

1 comment:

Irzan said...


kita kenal each other? dari mana? tak recall..


nak tengok gambar lagi. hehe.